Sciencia Consulting

Fast Content Marketing Hacks That Convert

Digital Marketing Hacks That’ll Crush It In 2021

As a business or marketer in the life sciences field, attracting and engaging an audience through data driven content can be a real challenge. Scientific content is one of the most difficult to create right, and pinpointing the most effective marketing hacks can be tricky for those that are new to this space. 

If you are facing these problems yourself, know that you are not alone. According to Pharma Exec, more than 75% of those surveyed reported that their organizations produce ‘moderate to enormous’ amounts of digital content, but only 13% think they manage content well. Their biggest challenges include keeping up with the demand for content, ensuring brand consistency and compliance globally, and enabling flexibility to tailor content for local markets.

And in case you are wondering why efficient marketing tactics for life science organizations should also include strong elements of digital content, here’s some food for thought. According to a recent Pew Research Center study 26% of the total population, and 39% of people between the ages of 18 through 29, are “almost constantly” online. And according to various other industry reports, there will be between four and six connected devices for every human being on the planet. 

Trends in the life science industry are no different. Scientists and life science companies are more connected than ever and you need to always be ON. We know that it can all seem kind of overwhelming. With so much stuff out there, what are the marketing hacks which can help you create a content that keeps you ahead of your competitors? And how can you make sure that you are integrating them in your marketing strategy the right way?

To help you meet the industry’s regulatory standards while also aligning with buyers’ persona, in today’s post we’ll discuss some digital marketing hacks that can help you write better content, increase traffic and conversion rate, and attract more leads.

So let’s get started.

Focus On The Customer

Looking for a marketing hack that is guaranteed to increase traffic on your page?

Here it is. Stop focusing on your product or service, and start making your customer and their needs the center of your attention! 

Customers aren’t really after how extraordinary your product is. They want efficiency and fast results. To deliver the right user experience possible, start by talking with people in your company that interact regularly with customers. Include everyone from top salespersons, application scientists, or technical support, and ask them what projects their customers are working on, and what they complain about the most. 

Brainstorm Keyword Ideas

Next in our list of digital marketing hacks for life sciences is performing SEO keyword research. 

After identifying the key problems your customers have a hard time finding solutions to, take each one of them separately and try to identify specific terms that customers and prospects use when searching for answers. Choose the words that have low difficulty level but high search volume, and organize the material into content buckets. This is a great way for you to scale content fast, by breaking pieces down into smaller bite size content, or build it up to long-form content. Don’t forget to add a call to action so you can help people along their journey of solving their problem on their own time, and in their own way.

Remember that these marketing hacks by themselves will not drive visitors to your website, but some solid content will. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your attempts are always high quality output, and to promote them to your target audience. 

Create Content Buckets

Content buckets or content categories are topics that speak to different aspects of your business and demographics. For 2021, making content buckets part of your content strategy can help your business communicate its mission and values to all customers equally, while allowing you to constantly cycle through various revenue streams and aspects of your brand.

Looking for some marketing hacks that can help you create content buckets tailored to your mission, brand voice, and business goals? Here’s some ideas you can use as inspiration:

  • Category Leadership
  • Foundational Excellence
  • Expert Interviews
  • Awards and Customer Stories
  • Frameworks and Blueprints
  • Research and Reports

Convert Your Static Content Into Interactive Content

With the past 10 years having transformed the world of biotech marketing, content is no longer content as we know it. The interactive content that many companies in the life sciences field have already converted to, is a browser-based digital experience designated for audience participation and interaction. In 2021, if your target is to scale the communication with your audience, and get more engagement and loyalty from your customers, you need to convert your static content into an effective, engaging, and  interactive experience. To cover all mediums available, use blog posts, email marketing, interactive eBooks, scientific animated videos, interactive webinars, and, of course, social media marketing.

If you found our life science digital marketing hacks for 2021 helpful, subscribe to our blog to get quick tips on life science content marketing and how to build your brand’s narrative. If you’re looking to connect with other top marketers in this space, you can also join our Biotech Marketing Network LinkedIn group with over 8000 members!

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